Updates on previous posts here at Google Search Tricks is frequent due to the dynamic nature of Google Web Search. To ensure that you get the latest information, revised posts are now tagged with '

A little introduction...

What is the purpose of this blog?
To share with everyone Google search 'tricks' that I have picked up through years of using this awesome search engine.

What kind of tricks?
Basic operators (Boolean operators, wildcards, etc), advanced operators (site, inurl, etc), techniques to narrow your search results, and many more.

Why learn these tricks?
Many reasons. Efficiency - with good Googling skills your desired results will most often show up in the first page. No more 20 million search hits. Protection - don't be surprise if you find your personal infomation appear in the search results that was never meant to. Take action before the black hats do. Sense of satisfaction - It just feels good to learn something useful.

Ok, enough of intro. First post coming up...